Roll of Honor in Center Moriches, Suffolk County (Long Island), New York

The following names are on the Roll of Honor at Main Street and Lake Avenue in Center Moriches. They include those who served in World War I and World War II. Asterisks * mark the names of the men who were killed in action.
This is the town where my dad grew up. Many of the names on this list were his and his parents’ friends. Some of the people were his family members — uncle, grandfather, brother, cousins, future in-laws. I have included a few people who were not on the plaque who I know served. Their names are in [brackets].
World War I
Dwight Anderson

George E. Hawkins
Belle Baker
Frank Baldwin
Arthur Bowditch
Stephen Brown
Arthur Bruckner
Daniel Cardona
David Carter
George Carter
Edward Collins

Howell Gassert, Marine Corps Reserve, Died May 1918
Archive Davis
Clarence Davis
Howell Gassert*
Benjamin Goldsmith
Daniel Havens
Ira Havens
[George Hawkins — not on the plaque. My grandmother’s brother who served.]
[J. Ezra Hawkins — not on the plaque. My grandmother’s father who served in the U.S. Coast Guard as keeper of the Forge River Lifesaving Station during the war.]
Theodore Heather
Reginald Lamb
Harold Meinhardt
Christian Merritt
Jack Nizza

Warren Dayton, killed in action over Germany.
John Penney
Otto Pieper
Bertram Robinson
Charles Robinson
Elsworth Robinson
Ernest Robinson
Harry Robinson
John Rose
Charles Steffens
Edward Steffens

Elizabeth “Betty” Dayton in Africa.
Robert Terry
Alvah Tuttle
World War II
Carols Adams*
Walter Adams
William Adams
Richard Alfred
John Ambrose
Robert Anderson
Rosolio Annetta [added at bottom]

Richard Johnson, U.S. Air Force.
Hall Barrett
John Benson
Murray Bernstein
George Blahun
Edward Bogash
William Booker
Freda Borok
Stanley Borok
Lewis Bowditch
Leonard Brame
Elizabeth Brooks

Robert F. Matteson,
Air Force Pilot
John Bropson
Robert Bropson
Lawrence Brown

Arthur Wilcox, U.S. Navy.
William Brown
Richard Bryant
George Bullock
James Bullcok
Lee Bullock
Raymond Bizet
Thomas Burwell
Benny Buzeski
Chadwick Callaghan
Howard Carlough
Robert Carlough
Stephen Carlough
Frederick Carlson
William Carlson
Matha Carroll

Lloyd Wilcox, U.S. Army, Armored Division.
David Carter
William Carter
John Chartuck
Lillian Chartuk
Michael Chartuk
William Chambers
John Cherbone
William Cherbone
Joseph Chilicky
Richard Conley
William Conran
James Cozine
Max Cutler
Louis Danowski
James Daves
Eugene Davis
[Elizabeth Dayton — not on the plaque]
Warren Dayton* (U.S. Air Force, my father’s first cousin who was shot down over Germany)
Douglas De Bruler
Philip De Carlo
Prescott De Gumoens
Cornelius Dekker
Lewis Denato
Charles Dickson
William Dranitzske
Arnold Dumont
John Dumont
Raymond Dumont
William Eaton*
Claude Edwards
John Edwards
Robert Edwards
Melvin Ehmann
Edward English
Richard English
William English
Alfred Fehner*
Arthur Fehner
Clarence Fehner
Emmett Fehner
Victor Fehner
Thomas Fenner
Van Field
Peter Figat
Lewis Foster
John Francis
Anthony Garrett
Herman Gehnrich
Rodney Gentil
Herbert Gewehr
William Gilman
Vincent Gillen
Alfred Goldbeck
Robert Gregory
Kenneth Guggenheim
Harold Haedrick
Forbes Hallock
Charles Hamilton
Bernard Harding
Alfred Hartig
Kurt Hartman*
Bernard Havens
Eugene Havens
Jerry Havens
Ralph Havens
Vernon Havens
Vernon Hawkins
William Hawkins
Charles Hedges
Charles Herrmann
George Herrmann
Leo Hersh
Kent Hooper
Ronnie Hooper
Edward Hoppe
Robert Hopper
John Horl
Charles Howell
Fred Howell
Wesley Howell
Martin Howland
Benjamin Hoyt
James Hoyt
Robert Hoyt
Howard Hurcomb
Carl Hyland
Mac Janis
Richard Johnson (U.S. Air Force, my father’s first cousin)…
Carl Kern
John Kern
Dorothy Koegel
James Koegel
Albert Korphage
Albert Krupski
Dominick Krupski
LeRoy La Fetra
Robert Lamb*
Cronelius Lamene
Adam Lasky
Laura Lasky
William Lasky
Henry Leide
John Libaire
Theodore Lindgren
Charles Liscum
Allen Lucas
Anthony Machek
William Mackiewicz
John Maluta
William Mark
Albert Marrisal
Martin Marshall
Nathaniel Mason
Edward Matskevich
Robert Matteson
Angelo Matti
Edward Mauser
Mattew McQuilton
William Meadows
Louis Melanson
Franklin Merritt
Alexander Michna
Anthony Michna
William Michna
Harry Millard
Joseph Mitchell
William Mooney
Albert Murdock
Charles Murdock
Edwin Murodck
Gustav Muller
Fred Murray
Wakter Murray
Jack Nizza
Joseph E. Nizza
Joseph T. Nizza
Peter Nizza
John Nummy
George Oakley
Josephine O Connel
Ralph O Conner
Thomas O Conner*
Carl Olson [added at bottom]
Cheaster Osborne
Pter Panos
Adam Pasika
John Pflug
John Portelroy
Alexander Poznak
Zollie Privett
Jospeh Profera
Sebastian Profera
John Prosser *
Mary Prosser
Walter Prosser
Arnold Pugh
Thomas Quinitchett
Frank Radziewicz
Raymond Rebehn
Earle Reeve
Milton Reeve
Edward Reisig
Everett Reisig
Howard Reisig
Joseph Reisig
Walter Reisig
Catherine Robinson
Joseph Robinson
King Robinson
Rowland Robinson
Sherman Robinson
Theodore Robinson
Vernon Robinson*
Francis Rooney
John Rose
Donald Ross
Robert Ross*
Wilbur Ross
Charles Roth
Benjamin Rutkowski
Florian Rybici
Ralph Rybici
Alexander Sabosto
Chester Sachak
Stanley Sachak
Wesley Sachak
William Sachak
William Santangelo
Henry Schatzman
Michael Schimminski
George Schoener
Richard Schutt
Claude Schuyler*
George Schuyler
Jack Schwartz
H Schweickert
Clifford Seale
Leslie Seale
Arthur Seekamp
Chalres Seerveld
Raymond Shelanski
Perry Simpson
Thomas Sinnikson
Leonard Smith
Raymond Smith
Zacariah Sneed
John Sprague
Robert Sprague
George Steffens
George Stevens
Frank Strebel
Leo Strebel
Peter Strebel
John Sturges
Ralph Sturges
Zacariah Taylor
Frank Terry
Chazrles Theisen
George Thomas
Stephen Thomas
William Titmus
Charles Tooker
Everett Tooker
Richard Tooker
Robert Tooker
Edward Townsend
Harry Townsend
Joseph Townsend
James Troost
Virginia Troost
Jack Trulio
Michael Turso
Rocco Turso
Earle Uckman
Stephen Valenti
Albert Valentine
Francis Voelker
Theodore Walsh
John Wight
Arthur Wilcox (U.S. Navy, my father’s brother)
Joseph Wilcox (no relation, high school P.E. teacher)
Lloyd Wilcox (U.S. Army, my father)
Matthew Wimbush
Fred Wysoki
Martin Yaro
Joseph Youska
Morley Zabler [added at bottom]
Michael Zaharakos
Nichoals Zaharakos
Walter Zamorski
Alfred Zareski
Edward Zareski
Joseph Zareski
Stanely Zareski
Albert Zeneski
John Zeneski
Stanley Zenski
Stanely Zlatnisky
Posted on by Jane Wilcox
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