Hardware for Genealogists with Thomas MacEntee
A few weeks ago Geneablogger’s Thomas MacEntee joined me on the Forget-Me-Not Hour to talk about hardware for genealogists. It was a most informative show, and I was jotting down notes as Thomas explained what is available and what are the pros and cons of each type of device.
Thomas explained the ways that we can capture data through cameras, smartphones, scanners (a few different types) and microfilm readers at the Family History Library (FHL) in Salt Lake City that digitize images to store on a memory stick or even email. Then we have the audio devices for recording and the translating mechanisms for those of us who are doing foreign genealogy research. Finally there are the transcription devices like smartphones, laptops, tablets and netbooks. I was amazed to hear that netbooks may be on their way to becoming obsolete. I love my netbook for working in libraries.
Find out more about hardware for genealogists from Thomas right here.